
...hey kids...nice to see you...

...hello there kids...and my brother amd sisters...
...how we doing?...i am ...ah free will...aahhhhh...hey kid again...this was hows we'd left youse the last time...nope that's the tag from the silver heartman...gonna be good to see that brother...hope he is doing as good as we remember...and that is the rub kids...how much does one actually remember...you all might find this difficult to wrap that noodle around but i and i have exactly that problem...my pasta does not wrap the same as i and i seem to recall...recall of course is a low faluteing term for memeory...kinda like youse abc's...i and i had a fairly decent memory...we have now befallen what is termed post traumatic amnesia...twice...which don't sound like much but is a very very cool thing...it is what your brain has used when you have hurt yourself real bad...a for real fall down go boom...
...when that happens the body part...hey that reminds us...weez gonna wrap this puppy up...when i and i missive this time was starting to say be sometimes when i wake up...as i and i have just done...weez a touch foggy...lotsa cobwebs...awright awright so sometimes we is not sure if it was the austin's or the accident but we ain't so bright any more...but it is not likely to be the head traumas as much as the wild turkey and chivas traumas...i and i went on down to bend my elbow with the roomate that i and i has...good man...we are about as different as youse kids is from each other...
...i and i wanted to talk to someone when weez got up...so now praising jah...non no non no non non lore and...would that have been the hit single if brian wilson ad been a dyke?...think about it kids...we do not have the good reggae on...there is a new biography that is coming out on donald rumsfeld...a truly evil man...and we thought that we would drop off a note to my sister...hey kids we gots the bestess sister!...but then because when i write this i can visualize it so it is like i am chatting...another word the bastards have coopted...i really like that word all my life...hey there lets get together for a chat...i and i am not even sure what it denotes in most folks when they hear it but we do not like or use it to much an more so somewhere it has picked up...what?...an entymological virus...like bill says language is a virus...it must be how it evolves but damn that is some fine bud...guess youse kids can figger that this morning glow is rather nice...so while i am just trying to keep the train of...hell the wheelbarrow of thought going...with out much luck though this tangent was meant to be a screed on that ole mind body problem...so i and i might as well get on with it...huh kids?...yep and one of the things is the world events when the vig changes again as it did with the original russian afghan iran pakistan columbia panama things....do not lose that thought and it is the next notte...as well as finishing off on this mind body thing...and now back to the news which is already in progress...

...well imagine that kids!...
...i and i had just finished on this above note and with the little glow went on to scan the news and maybe sports and...yada yada yada...one of the news items was in the washington post about the old shah of irans kids the formerr crown prince...talk about a spoiled brat...okay kids here comes a can of worms but it is funny that most would consider me a white american male with all the baggage that we carry with that appellation...and on that level weez these days would consider...at least in this barren wasteland of dicarded pahlaver...a person of color...which just makes me hate...yes children i and i did use the word hate...the way that the parsing of terminology in this fine nation of ours has led to a destruction of the use of adverb and adjective...i mean as now i and i am being very careful what weez writing in describing privilidge not for fear of youse kids might think but rather the way that ones lexicon can be used...this ain't intended to be about the way that class...for me anywho...has been the way the greedheads are hiding the same greed in a new wrapper...it used to be the cool...hip...black...vato...yuppie (okay okay only in the City and only at that rarified time warp!)...the point being that i and i was writing about how much weez were surprised that some actual heart came out with the shahs kids act...slick as a toddlerd you know what but there was a little tiny bit of heart that came through...this is coming up because i and i reads them news alerts from google to help parse the onslaught of infomation on its turnpike...i and i love keyword searching...as a bibliophile that must not really surprise youse much huh?...i and i in a earlier state had access to the lexus nexus terminals...yes kids this is before there were pc's...actually as i sit here the pc did nt come out until twwo years after i first doodled woth that thing...it was trippy but at that time recall the use was for law...as in basic research...i and i kinda hated it cause there wasn't nuttin' like in the old days...all righty kids washington journal is on...or as i fondly think of it...here comes the fascinazipinkoppressor hour...with a side of wingnuts...and a coffee with that!...i really do not do too much of the mainfeed greed thing that youse get with the media these days...thats pretty cool beans and the way...knock on wood...that we have i and i's bow set up is when it opens i get zero ads pop ups no bells no whistles just the info that i want...let me tell youse kids that them there thing is quite a trck and youse gotta ahve some patientence...but if you kids can just keep that in mind then using these boxes is just they same as i and i always say...as a very good half inch drice mac tool ratchet set...that's a full set jack!...

...well hey kids the new looking good and finally we can get sum ting going with the morning chores so ah...well wait a...where did o and so yeah...

...hey there kids...guess what we just lucked into for dinner...the republican controlled subcommittee of looking at the nuke stuff...youse kids know that we have a major problem with anthing nuclear...we were married to the heart of me at the nevada nuclear test site...well across the highway and now i am listening to this punk from the chamber of commerce talking it up...to that greed monster and baby killer senator bennett...should have known that scum was behind this thing...i am telling you kids i and i saw this acoming down the pike for about the last two to three years...i was of course getting the vibe out of the back door...when you are playing with the support system for the women and children of the seventh generation we meaning i and i family we do not mess around...looks like it is going to be time for the nonviolent direct action to get fired up again...damn and all the family is off doing thecoal stuff...oh yeah kids...

...so then as i and i stop for one second or trey and figger hay...weez just gonna go on over and check them emails...so we do that and now there was a wall street journal article on how those fun loving kids that are running the show over in tehran got this new equipment you kids been hearing about...yeah yeah the twitter deep packet insertion garbage...folks is always asking i and i why we try to maintain some sort of communication awareness...always reminds me of two quotes by two of my favorite...in fact thinking about it if i had to pick right now which three writers whose works i could have and no others...you know the discussion...so as i and i wrote that weez thought what are they?...and ready kids?...and this ain't in any paticular order...thomas pynchon and edward whittemore and hunter s. thompson...so the two quotes pertain to the whole privacy indentity security paranoia conspiracy pigion hole that most folks find easy to lump others into...weve been looking at all that junk our whole life so i sort of exempt i and i from the discussion...it is kinda funny when you know that a rumor was planted just to see where it would head...yeah yeah yeah...never said it is the most original thang but it is fun to watch...but when you hear the stuff come around the first time as a story someone heard...but let us get out these quotes...proverbs for paranoids nos. twentythree: if you keep asking questions, they have to keep on making up answers...thats by pynchon...if you are not paranoid it means that you are not paying attenetion to the other half of what is going on...that's by hunter...

...speaking of the other half of what is going on i and i now have on this box the senate listening to the esteemed senator from the state of colorado talk about water...and how precious water is in the west and we need to...well them is some fine sentiments ya'll got there pardner...you being from the west and all...but how then are we going to reconcile this water is precious deal with the desire to label that yellow snake in the ground

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