
...het kids!...remember to say your prayers?...

..hey there kids...
...are we excited yet or what?...it is the new york yankees versus the boston red sox at seven ten,prime meridian...let the fun begin...beckett's up first followed by wakes and brad...i would really like to see a smoker out of penny...i had not seem him pitched much so of course when we snag'em it is time for a little look at the stats and bio...this giant(as in human sizing, not esseff) is supposed to throw the heat on down
...so i am sure that you do remember to say your prayers every morning...it is a very important part...writing all these out is a hoot...i can say what ever that i want to put out...that raises a lot of issues on the actions and philosophy which is very very valid...one should i believe have some system to keep their bearings in this interesting time we are having here in this fine nation...but the prayers i am writing about should be the way that folks greet another wonderful day that we have been provided...that is provided by, in my belief system
...this is just a bit of a heads up as that is sort of what we do...it reminds me of a story that fits in with this theme...i was raised a poor...that to me, the line by steve martin when the camera is doing a classic pan accross the dirt farm front yard (corral) of his childhood home..." i was raised a poor black child"...and he had you right there, in his pocket...i forget how much the jerk made at the box office...though bernadette peters if, i recall correctly, was parleying that saturday night, kidding on the square, sort of humour...how about the notion that as the comedy left the popular culture...well we can go on about, yes emily, your uncle ron did infact sell crack...in fact he and his boys invented it...this is the kind of story...jeez, you can silence of the power of voices by diluting it into just another sub current that is part of our information, the power gained by turning that voice into something pedestrian, taking the singular , renaming it as dicridted...then playing a subset rename as a crazy idea...you can see this has happened already with the codification of "acaadamia" into something remote, which in turn discredits indiviual effort, which then leads to the same original voice being called out back into the open for ridicule...
...well hey there kids...that sort of got away from us there didn't it...thinking about the baseball...you know kids we had just woken up from another nap to my good friend holding out there hand with a gift straight from the heaven..so praise jah...little later kids...

...hey kids...
...so it is the next morning as i said before it is fun to say your prayers in the morning...ain't it...well kids, today is kinda a cool day in that for the first time we are going to tell folks that we're here...so along with that we are going to attempt to adpot a structure that is what we thought blogs were...something to write down your thoughts on...what you be up to...the fun stuff and a way to not feel so alone maybees huh?...so we are sitting here going over the rosters from last night...beckett coming thtough as usual...the command that he had...eck talking about it was just blown away...i am thinking in paticular about this one pitch that...paint is too broad of a brush...let us say he etched the lower outside with that tiny tail that even his fastball seems to have these days...i haven't a clue how youse kids like to educate yourself about political issues...being an amatuer bibliophile i truly love the facts...youse know the documentable source thing that most folks would not even know how to begin...this leads up to me kids...i use cspan in the same way when i lived at sixteen oh one pennsylvania i used the house and senate document rooms...if there is a hearing speech report or research on the topic and if it is in the record you as a citizen can have five copies...free...this was helpful for we have a lawsuit against the federales for...that's right, the right to pray in front of the white house...i and i have been arrested multiple...hey kids...i am going to post this and then we'll see if maybe we should tell others...it's sort of fun when it's just...yeah that's it...justice...time to praise jah kids...later...hey kids...by the way we need to try and tie the theme in here huh?...guess i and i....later...

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