
...hey kids...good morning!...say your prayers now kids...thanks...

...well hey there kids...
...evening...we is trying out this permalink because there is a post on martin kady's post yesterday on how congress is treating the proposed bubget cuts...and that is right here...these are meant to offset us refilling the greedheads coffers...martin's talking about the largest cut being ignored...federal funds used for prisons run by states to house prisoners under federal regulations or statute...like happens at the end of every eight years or longer when the grand old party leaves town...speaking of how about the set on that dude paulson huh...they stood right there and said we are taking what is left of the moneypretty much by either adiministration like there is a difference huh kids?...and as an added bonus track we get to see as citizens of this fine nation...just what those differences are...i think we have seen that adaptability is a key componet...eh spector?...but the thang...them budget cuts...stick with us here kids...just keep on trying to keep up as we all...i and i and youse kids is unfortunately in a "just more traces" sort of thing...sifting around for how they do keep on tryin' to pin us up...take away our rights...weez been reading and writing for the last hour kids...we need some major bud...we will finish this on together in a bit okey dokey...aahhh...praise jah kids!...

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